All kings and queens share the same dream, which is to rule the entire planet. Only a small number of them, though, were successful in pulling off this amazing feat, which solidified their places in history. As a result, we would like to honor some of history’s most wise leaders by listing the top 20 largest and most powerful empires that have ever ruled the globe.
The Turkic Khaganate will be the first item on our list. At its height, this empire covered more than 2.32 million square miles, making it one of the biggest and most feared in history. After a civil war broke out in 557, the Turkic Khaganate was overthrown.
History buffs are aware that the Achaemenid Empire, also known as the first Persian Empire, was enormous around 550 BC. More than 2.12 million square miles of land were under the control of the Empire at its height.
Since Alexander the Great, the Macedonian Empire’s illustrious ruler, ruled over it, you knew it would be included in our list. Nearly 3.5% of the world was ruled by this emperor, and Alexander the Great was so well-known that he was frequently portrayed as a demi-god.
Another well-known empire is the Akkadian one, which history indicates was the first empire to emerge. The largest Empire from the gloomy ancient period was the Akkadian Empire, which is another well-known fact (2250 BC).
Of course the Roman Empire belongs on our list. One of the most powerful empires in history, the strategies for warfare developed by Roman generals are still in use today. This demonstrates how cunning the Roman Empire’s rulers were.
We should never forget that the Rashidun Caliphate ruled over almost 6% of the surface of the Earth, despite the fact that it may not have been as well-known as the Roman Empire. This is truly impressive.
At its height, the Han Imperial Dynasty controlled an area of more than 2.51 million square miles, making it a force to be reckoned with. However, following numerous uprisings and coups, the Han Imperial Dynasty fell.
After Alexander the Great’s demise, the Maurya Empire ruled over India and the neighboring lands. The Maurya Empire became the first and largest Indian Empire in history as a result.
This Chinese Dynasty once ruled over an area larger than 2.32 million square miles, and to make matters even more impressive, 57 million people lived there.
The Umayyad Caliphate was the fifth-largest contiguous Empire ever, but what set it apart from the others was that it had one of the best governments the world had ever seen.
More than 2.51 million square miles were under the control of the Ming Dynasty at its height. Sadly, the Ming Dynasty fell in 1450 as a result of a breakdown in the economy and numerous natural disasters.
The Sasanians are in charge of yet another vast Empire. The last Iranian empire before the rise of Islam, this one had a total area of over 2.55 million square miles at its height. The caliphate of Islam overcame it.
The Western Han Dynasty was previously mentioned, and now it’s time to discuss the Eastern one. Because the Eastern Han Dynasty endured numerous rulers and a challenging economic crisis, it distinguished itself from all the others and lasted for more than 200 years.
The Rashidun Caliphate was the first Islamic caliphate in history. After the death of the prophet Muhammad in 632 AD, the Rashidun Caliphate was established, and it was used to guide the Muslim community through numerous wars.
Between 1721 and 1917, when the Russian Revolution took place, there was a Russian Empire. The Russian Empire’s impressive aspect is how it once extended from Eastern Europe through Asia and into North America.
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The 13th century saw the beginning of the Mongol Empire, which lasted until the 14th. Genghis Khan himself was the ruler of the Empire, which occupied more than 22% of the planet’s surface. A force to be feared was the Mongol Empire!
More than 3% of the surface of the Earth was under the control of the Tibetan Empire in 800 AD. The Tibetan Empire’s longevity of more than 200 years is one of its most impressive features, made possible by the diplomatic prowess of its emperors.
More than 3.6% of the world was under Tang Dynasty rule, which lasted for nearly three centuries (619 – 907 AD). Additionally, the Tang Dynasty supported the arts, and poets like Li Bai and Du Fu are thought to have lived during this time.
In 1922, the British Empire had the largest population of any Empire that had ever existed and covered an area of 33.7 square kilometers. Additionally, the British Empire was extremely wealthy, accounting for 35.9% of the global GDP ($1,111 billion in 1870).
First of all, for seven centuries, the Ottoman Empire dominated a sizable portion of the globe! The Ottoman Empire is renowned for its legal system and for establishing a regional jurisprudence system, among other things. However, the Ottoman Empire’s expansion across three continents is what most people find impressive.