One of the greatest minds to have ever lived, Albert Einstein is also the most well-known scientist. With his groundbreaking theories and research, he fundamentally altered science and physics, but there are many other aspects of Albert Einstein that aren’t covered in history books or on Wikipedia. This is where we come in because we have compiled the top 20 most fascinating but little-known facts about the illustrious scientist and will be presenting them to you today.
Albert Einstein’s most well-known equation, E = mc2, revolutionized theoretical physics. He wasn’t the first person to suggest this equation, though. This equation was proposed decades before Einstein by a number of scientists, including Friedrich Hasenorhl, Oliver Heaviside, and Henri Poincare.
The pathologist who performed Einstein’s autopsy also stole the scientist’s brain, which she kept for 20 years in a jar. The pathologist was interested in learning what made Einstein so smart.
The famous scientist’s offer to lead Israel was made possible by his brilliant mind, which is a fun fact about him. But since politics wasn’t Einstein’s thing, he turned down the offer and opted to spend his time in the classroom.
Einstein chose to emigrate to the United States because the Nazi government had a $5,000 bounty on his head. He was one of the Nazi regime’s greatest enemies because of his brilliant mind.
It took Einstein until he was three years old before he began speaking. This is why gifted children with delayed speech are given a special label called the “Einstein Syndrome.”
Unknown but interesting facts about Einstein include the fact that he developed a love for science at a young age after his father showed him a compass and the scientist was amazed to see that the needle pointed only in one direction. He had to figure out what this “magic” was all about.
Albert Einstein’s parents originally wanted to name him Abraham, which is another fascinating fact about him. Albert was chosen instead because they thought Abraham might cause trouble with the Nazi government because he is “too Jewish.”
Completing challenging puzzles was reportedly one of Albert Einstein’s childhood passions, according to his parents. Additionally, he would build card structures up to fourteen stories high.
Einstein learned to play one musical instrument, just like all other young boys from a middle-class family. The scientist’s favorite instrument was the violin, but he also enjoyed listening to classical music, which calmed his mind.
Einstein was fascinated by his father’s compass, as was previously mentioned. It should not be surprising that he published his first scientific paper, “The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields,” at the age of 16.
The “People’s Scientist” was one of Einstein’s most well-known monikers. He was known as this because he enjoyed telling jokes to everyone he met and had a great sense of humor.
What does an empty desk indicate if a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind? When questioned about why he never arranges the paperwork on his desk, Einstein responded.
The idea that Einstein was a poor student is widely held. This is untrue; Einstein was an excellent student who loved to study physics and mathematics purely out of interest. However, the myth began because he once failed an entrance exam in zoology and botany.
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There is no evidence to support the assertion that Einstein had a 160 IQ score, despite the claims of numerous websites. We will never be able to determine just how smart Einstein was because the eminent scientist never had his IQ tested.
Einstein adored the violin, as was previously mentioned. Here’s a fun fact: The scientist would play the violin to “refresh” his mind and take a break from thinking about science.
Sailing was one of Einstein’s favorite pastimes. His boat was called Tinef, which in Yiddish means “worthless.” The scientist, however, was a poor sailor and never took swimming lessons.
As a member of the “Montreal Pipe Smokers Club,” Einstein loved to smoke from a pipe. The scientist thought that smoking helped him to relax and think more clearly.
Like everyone else, Einstein had a favorite musician or athlete, and that scientist was none other than the illustrious Galileo Galilei.
Einstein was infamous for a number of things, including the fact that he never wasted time trying to memorize information he could find in a book. The scientist, for instance, never discovered his own phone number.
We are all aware that the equation that made Einstein famous and supported the theory of relativity. The scientist actually thought he was mistaken, and his theory wasn’t validated until the Hubble telescope was put into orbit.