Although soldiers and generals are portrayed in history books as the ones who win wars, there are still many heroes and even villains who had a significant impact on the course of history but were left out of the books. We’re talking about spies who, through the use of intelligence and espionage, completely altered the course of wars. We want to shed some light on the top 20 biggest betrayals that altered the course of history today because of this.
We’ll start off with Benedict Arnold, who, after switching allegiances and beginning to spy for the British, almost made the American Revolutionary War a lost cause. As you might expect, Benedict Arnold does not receive a favorable portrayal in US history books.
Due to the fact that he gave the Soviet Union sensitive information regarding US satellites and other official documents, this man will go down in history as one of the biggest traitors. Due to his deeds, Christopher John Boyce spent the majority of his life behind bars.
Judas had to be included on our list of the top 20 historical betrayals, of course. It was he who gave Jesus to the Romans in exchange for just 30 pieces of silver.
Hitler made friends with Stalin by promising him an alliance because he recognized Stalin’s Soviet Union as a significant “player.” Hitler, however, soon turned on Stalin and began invading his territory, but, like Napoleon, Hitler’s attempt to seize control of Russia during the winter failed.
After giving the Soviet Union the location of the US Navy along with information tactics and sensor data, John A. Walker became one of the most wanted criminals in the world. John A. Walker was apprehended by the FBI after 20 years, and when they did, he was immediately jailed.
This married couple once resided in the US and took advantage of their citizenship to gain access to crucial knowledge about nuclear weapons, which they then sold to the Soviet Union. Additionally, the married couple assisted the Soviet Union in finding new spies.
Mordechai Vanunu is a good man despite the fact that he is a traitor. He disclosed information to the British media about the Israeli nuclear weapons program. Sadly, because of his betrayal, Mordechai Vanunu was apprehended by the Mossad in Italy and spent the majority of his life behind bars. We should also point out that his deeds earned him the Nobel Peace Prize.
Conquistador Henan Cortes persuaded Dona Marina to use her native linguistic abilities to overthrow the Aztecs after the Spanish captured her.
When the Nazis captured Andrey Vaslov, a Soviet commander during World War II, he told them everything he knew about the Soviet defenses. Not only that, but the Soviet commander also contributed to the development of an ex-Soviet army that fought for Germany.
The first president of the Philippines, Emilio Aguinaldo, betrayed his people by persuading them to submit to Japan. He did this because he found it simpler to run a puppet Japanese government.
It’s likely that you have heard the idiom “Et tu, Brutus?” After Marcus Junius Brutus participated in a rebellion against Caesar and killed him, Julius Caesar told him this.
Midway through the 18th century, when Mir Jafar was in charge of the Bengal Army, he allied himself with his adversary, the British, in an effort to ascend to the Indian throne. The British and the East India Company-led forces were able to defeat the Indian people thanks solely to his actions.
Aldrich Ames was formerly employed by the CIA. Aldrich Ames began selling US government secrets to the Soviet Union in the 1980s in order to become wealthy because he was an alcoholic and his wife insisted on purchasing the most expensive items. He received a life sentence for his crimes.
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Guy Fawkes, the leader of the English Catholics, began a plot to assassinate every member of the Royal Family and blow up the Parliament by simultaneously lighting 36 barrels of gunpowder. Guy Fawkes was sentenced to death by hanging after someone alerted the Royal Family, but he chose to end his life by jumping off a scaffolding instead.
In the past, Venezuela’s military and political leaders followed Simon Bolivar. Unfortunately, he used his influence to force Spain to accept Francisco de Miranda, one of Venezuela’s most honorable patriots, in exchange for a Spanish passport.
He was the first black double agent ever discovered. In order to gather information for the US, such as the British plans for troops and the development of weapons, he worked for the US back in 1781 and pretended to be a British spy.
Sydney Reilly went above and beyond James Armistead’s double espionage by spying for four different nations. This man, referred to as “Ace of Spies,” served the governments of the UK, Russia, Japan, and Germany.
Although Julian Assange may not have been a direct spy or traitor, he did provide a platform for other traitors to share information. But Assange has always had good intentions – to keep everybody up to date.
A whistleblower named Edward Snowden leaked classified documents that revealed the US was spying on its own people. Edward Snowden is currently residing in Russia, and it doesn’t appear that he will ever return to the US.
One of the first Westerners to be allowed to travel to Mecca was Christian Snouck Hugronje. In order to win their trust, he falsely claimed to have converted to Islam. He then used his position of power to persuade the Muslims to allow the Dutch to establish a hostile colonial government.