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Tips for Starting Physical Activity! Advice for Beginners

Tips for Starting Physical Activity! Advice for Beginners

What kind of physical activity do you require, and how much of it do you require?
It is preferable to engage in some physical activity than to engage in none at all. You can begin slowly and work your way up.

Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week.

Walking quickly, jogging, dancing, or engaging in other aerobic activities causes your heart to beat faster and your breathing to become more difficult. Try to stay active for at least 10 minutes without taking a break. Each 10-minute activity segment counts toward your physical activity goal. Aerobic exercises include:

Swimming, brisk walking in a wheelchair, or participating in activities that will help you, such as chair aerobics, are all options.

On most days, try to get in at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity. Working out does not have to be expensive.

Tips for Starting Physical Activity

To reap the most benefits, aim for at least 300 minutes per week.

If you want to lose weight or keep it off, you may need at least 300 minutes of aerobic activity per week. Adding a brisk walk after lunch, dinner, or whenever your schedule allows could be one way to increase your aerobic activity.

Strengthening activities should be done twice a week.

Activities that require you to push or pull against something can help you gain strength and improve your balance.

Build and maintain bone and muscle strength.

Work all major muscle groups, including those in your legs, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms, to help strengthen your entire body. Performing two to three sets for each muscle group twice a week may be beneficial. Even a single set of strength training is beneficial.

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Enhance your sense of balance.

Balance can be improved by engaging in activities that strengthen your lower body.

Pilates and yoga, according to the National Institutes of Health, can help with balance, muscle strength, and flexibility.

Take a break from being completely inactive.

Long periods of inactivity, according to recent research, may be linked to health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Make your day more dynamic. To remind yourself to take breaks, download an app to your phone, computer, or other device.

Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, and yard work are all examples of routine tasks that can be included in your physical activity plan.

Tips for Starting Physical Activity

How do I begin to be more active?

Choose an activity that you enjoy.
Make a list of activities you want to do, such as walking, aerobics, tennis, wheelchair basketball, or attending a fitness or community center class. Add an activity that sounds fun and try it out to increase your activity level. If you choose activities that you enjoy, you are more likely to stay active.

Make a goal, put it on your calendar, and follow-through.
Setting goals and devising a strategy to achieve them can help you stick to a regular exercise routine.

Make a list of specific short-term objectives that you can track.

Instead of saying, “I’m going to be more active this week,” set a goal of walking 30 minutes three times this week.
Consider when you could do the activity: first thing in the morning, during lunch breaks, after dinner, or on a Saturday afternoon. Look at your calendar, phone, or computer to see which days and times work best for you, and write down your plans. Set your phone to send you reminders as well to keep you on track.

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